Serving is a powerful way to live out your faith and make a meaningful impact on people. Whether through working with kids, teaching, music, hospitality, or prayer, each person's unique talents can strengthen our church’s mission and help build a supportive environment for others to thrive. Serving with a humble heart and a willingness to share what you’ve been given reflects Christ’s love and encourages spiritual growth in both you and others. It also allows opportunities to build deeper relationships, foster a spirit of unity, and contribute to the church's mission of Growing a Great Family.... Grounded in Faith, Guided by Grace and Going in Love!  By offering your God-given gifts and abilities, you not only help others and the church but also experience personal growth and fulfillment, knowing you are part of something greater than yourself. 

Whether you want to welcome guests, build into the next generation of students, help kids get to know Jesus, work with technology, or work behind the scenes, there is a ministry team for you. We also have opportunities to reach out and serve in our community. Scroll through the list of ministries and use the Serve at Oakwood link below to let us know what ministry you would like to serve in and we will contact you.

Serve at Oakwood

Serve fresh coffee to help create a welcoming environment for our guest and church family!


The Hospitality Team seeks to ensure a positive experience for Oakwood's guests.  Members of this team serve once every 4 weeks on Sundays.  Roles include Greeters, Connections Center Hosts, Worship Center Greeters, and Children's Ministry Check-In Attendant. 

DIRECTOR: Stephanie Oswald

Worship Team

If you are interested in using your musical passions and abilities to serve at Oakwood, we encourage you to join the Worship Team.  We are seeking instrumentalists (guitar, piano, drums, violin). 

DIRECTOR: Pastor Don Jackson

Children's Ministry

We have many opportunities to serve in the Children's Ministries area.  

Child Care Ministry - Our dedicated volunteers care for children ages 0-4 yrs old in the Nursery and Preschool Rooms.  Each room is equipped with age-appropriate toys, supplies, and materials.  Volunteers help children feel loved and cared for while parents enjoy the service in the Worship Center.  DIRECTOR: Sharon Worden & Caye Moore

SONshine Park - This program is for children in grades K-5.  Dedicated volunteers provide a nurturing environment where kids can grow spiritually and develop godly values with a Bible-based curriculum in an age-appropriate environment.  DIRECTOR: Laura Red

Treehouse - This is a mid-week program for children pre-school - 5th grade that encourages kids to live Christ-centered lives through activities, games, music, Bible memorization, Bible stories, and more!  Treehouse has three (6-week) sessions each year; winter, spring, and fall.  DIRECTOR: Pastor Don Jackson


Oakwood Student Ministry is for all students in 6th-12th grade.  Biblical messages are taught on topics that are relevant to the students' lives and encourage them to pursue a stronger relationship with God.  DIRECTOR: Pastor Don Jackson

College Students meet regularly with Pastor Don Jackson.  Times and locations may vary. 

Media & Tech Team

Our tech team facilitates and supports all of the ministries that happens on Sunday mornings, including running our live stream, operating the lighting and multimedia in the worship center, and providing tech support to the children's ministries.  Consider using your tech skills and serving with this team once every 4 weeks.  

Connections Ministry

The Connections Ministry organizes about 4 events per year for the Oakwood family.  They have 4-8 planning meetings throughout the year.  We are currently in need of two people to oversee decorations.

DIRECTOR:  Sheila Merritt

Safety Team

Oakwood's Safety Team monitors the building and grounds during Sunday morning services and key church events.  Team members serve once every 4 weeks under the direction of a team leader. You must be a member of the church to serve on this team.   

DIRECTOR:  Bruce Knauf


S.O.S. (Serving Our Savior) special events are Oakwood’s way to serve outside of the walls of our church.  Four events a year are planned to accomplish our goal. We desire to serve our Savior out in our community to help people with needs that we can meet.  People of all ages gather to serve together. It is truly the church in action to show the love of Jesus to others.

Throughout the year, S.O.S opportunities will be posted on the EVENTS page.

People Feeding People

Oakwood serves every 2nd Saturday of the month. Servents are needed from 8:30am - 12:00pm for food prep, fellowship, serving and clean up.