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Hello Great Family,

What a great celebration we had at Oakwood last Sunday!  The place was packed with people.  The parking lot was full and cars were parked on the grass. We saw people go through the waters of baptism and declare their loyalty to Jesus.  Plus, we had some great food and fellowship!  Special thanks to everyone who helped make it such a wonderful day!  It takes a lot of servants to plan, setup, provide, tear down, and put everything away.  I am grateful for the many selfless servants we have in the great family at Oakwood.

This Sunday is not only Father's Day (we plan to recognize and honor dads) but also our annual membership meeting following the morning service.  If you are a member, we encourage you to stop at the table and speak with one of our team members to pick up your affirmation ballot.  The meeting will start approximately 15 minutes after the service ends.  We will call the meeting to order, go over a few detail and then have members fill out their affirmation and we will collect them at the end of the meeting.  Our membership meetings usually last less than a half hour.  We will get you out and on your way in due time (hopefully, noon at the latest).

I encourage you to look over the budget (very impressed that we kept the bottom line budget total the same as last year).  Also, take a look at the proposed leadership slate for Elders and Deacons.  We are blessed to have leaders who love Jesus and want to serve His church!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any Elder or Pastor.  We hope to answer any questions before the meeting on Sunday.

On another note, Camp Barakel sent out a plea for Adult volunteers to serve in their kitchens this summer.  There are several weeks this summer that they are short on volunteers (Julie and I will be there serving there the week of July 1st through 6th).  If you are willing and able to give a week to serve at camp, please contact me for more information.

Thanks for being a part of the great family at Oakwood!  Hope to see you Sunday!

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)