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Hello Great Family,

Can you believe that we are heading into Labor Day weekend?  Summer was great but Fall is quickly coming (Pumpkin Spice Latte's are already being advertised).  We are pretty deep into planning our fall and winter calendars and I'm looking forward to experiencing all of it with you.

I know this Sunday is right in the middle of a holiday weekend but I'm encouraging you to come to church Sunday morning at 10am (last week of one service) for spirit-filled worship and a very applicable message for all followers of Jesus.  I plan to preach from Revelation 3:14-22 where Jesus warns the church about being "Lukewarm".  We all should be evaluating our lives to see if we have slipped into a complacency and non-effective style of Christian living.

You are going to be encouraged to hear that we have around 15 people being baptized on Sunday, September 8th.  I'm thrilled to see God at work among His people and the lives that He is changing.  Remember that we go back to two services (9am & 11am) on Sunday, September 8th.  The baptism service will be at 1pm at Stony Lake in Oxford. 

Thanks for being the best part of Oakwood!! 

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)