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Hello Great Family,

What would you expect to read in a letter from a prisoner? You wouldn’t be surprised to read some justification and a few defensive arguments. Some complaining about the situation and circumstances wouldn’t shock you either. You wouldn't raise an eyebrow if it was full of self-pity.

What about joy? What if the whole letter was filled with rejoicing, joy in the circumstances, and even some encouragement for you to be Joy/Full? That might get your attention.

That’s what we find in Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. Paul is in prison because of his faith. The guy with unbelievable zeal to take the gospel to the ends of the earth is confined in a cell with no freedom to preach in public.

Paul writes this letter to share his joy with one of his favorite churches. He is rejoicing in all things. Yes, all of them. And he wants us to be Joy/Full as well. In all circumstances. In all situations. No matter what.

Are you Joy/Full despite your circumstances? What needs to be transformed in your life so you can experience full contentment?  We start a new series in the book of Philippians this Sunday.  I hope you can make it a priority to attend.  Remember - We are now having two services (9AM & 11AM). We want you here!

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)