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Oakwood Family,

Are you serving the body of Christ @ Oakwood with your time, talents and treasures? We are a blest people. So it's a pleasure to give back and serve others in the body of Christ. Last Sunday, I met with 20 of our ministry leaders to hear their ministry needs and they NEED YOU! If you are available, Jump in! You will get to serve people and help your church Grow a Great Family.... Grounded in Faith, Guided by Grace and Going in Love!

Here are a few specific needs for you to prayerfully consider:

1. We are looking for another leader for the "People Feeding People" ministry (Meets the 2nd Saturday of the month)

2. We are looking for a creative team to decorate for the WednesdayTreehouse children's ministry.

3. We are looking for prayer warriors to add to our prayer team that meets Tuesday nights at 6 PM.

4. We are looking for 8-10 Children's workers to help support all of our Children's ministries (Sonshine Park, Childcare and Treehouse) (The needs includes leaders, teachers and teen helpers)

5. We are looking to add workers in Celebrate Recovery and add childcare workers for CR.

6. We are looking to add 4 more people to our hospitality team.

7. We are looking for a male facilitator to be a part of the GriefShare team for fall.

8. We are looking to add more help to the cafe team.

9. We are looking for tech help with IT, network, storage devices and MAC computer experience.

You can fill out this form to get involved in ministry and we will be in touch.


Ted Jones
Assistant Pastor of Ministries