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Oakwood Family,

Good afternoon! I hope your summer has been amazing so far! As I've talked with some of you, it's been fun to hear about memories you've made so far with your family and friends. One of my highlights this summer was going to Silver Lake with our family to ride the dunes and see the beauty of Lake Michigan!  The men's Grill and Chills have been another highlight for me.

Although I'm still enjoying summer, I am beginning to think about the fall and all the exciting ministries that will be starting back up (or continuing) here at Oakwood.

Did you know there are places here for you to serve and connect with at OCC? I would like to see each person plugging in and serving the body of Christ with your gifts and abilities. Your church needs you!  Serving gives you some buy-in, and it's a lot of fun to serve alongside and love people within these ministries.

So, as you prepare for fall, make plugging into your church a priority.

Here's a listing of Oakwood Community Church ministries:

+ Celebrate Recovery (We are looking for 4-5 more people so that we can start a childcare while CR meets on Monday nights.)

+ Men's Ministries 

+ Women's Ministries 

+ Adult Bible Studies

+ Equipping Groups

+ Connection Small Groups (We are looking to form a group of potential new leaders to start some new groups)

+ Oakwood Student Ministry (OSM)

+ Oakwood Young Adult (OYA) Next event - August 16th

+ Sonshine Park

+ Child Care

+ Treehouse

+ Grief Share -New group starting in the fall

+ Connections Team

+ Hospitality Team

+ Care Ministry

+ Cafe Team

+ Safety Team

+ Missions Team

+ Events Team

+ Worship Team

+ Tech Team

+ People Feeding People

+ Prayer Team

+ Serving Our Savior (SOS)- New project opportunity and date will be announced soon.

Just a reminder that if you serve or are looking to serve in any OCC Children's/Student Ministries, we need you to attend the children and youth ministry huddle on Saturday, August 24th starting at 10 AM. Please register so I know how many donuts to buy. Register here

I am available to talk with you more about getting plugged into one of these ministries. As a pastors one of my favorite things is helping people find their niche in serving others and getting involved in the church!

Ted Jones