Hello Great Family,
After a wonderful rest up north, I am back and excited to share in worship with everyone this Sunday. Special thanks to Pastor Ben for preaching and Elder Jim Bongiorno for handling communion and other official duties.
It is nice to celebrate God's answer to our prayers. Our Harvest Festival was a huge success with many new people attending and so many servants from Oakwood working to make the day great (special thanks to Bruce Parris and events team). Our Family Nights have been full of energy and well attended (special thanks to Mary Sovis with her Treehouse crew and to Caye Moore and her dinner team for feeding everyone for the past six weeks). God has been so good to us as we seek to be effective for Him.
Now it is time to start thinking about the holiday season coming soon. This Sunday, during a fireside chat, I will go over our plans for the next two months. We have also produced a small "save the dates" card with all the important dates and times to help you fully participate (These will be available digitally as well as in print).
I am enthusiastic about this holiday season! I love the fellowship at our Pie, Prayer, Praise event. Our Oxford Remembrance Prayer Vigil will hopefully serve our community well. Christmas is always my favorite time of the year! The special series this year will be called, "The Gift Exchange". Can't wait to tell you all of our plans for this year! Come Sunday to hear all the news first hand. It is going to be great!!
The WALL is coming down nicely! Let's keep removing barriers "so that" we can move forward for Oakwood's bright future. Thanks for your consistent participation with your church family!
God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)