Hello Great Family,
Recently, I went on Amazon and ordered an engine air filter for Julie’s car. For good measure, I also purchased the cabin air filter to improve the quality of air she breathes while driving. The filters arrived in 24 hours and has sat in my garage for two months before I got to the job. When I opened the engine air filter, I immediately realized it was not the right one. Not even close! I scrambled to Amazon’s website to begin the return only to find out that the window for returns had closed a month ago. Now I have to purchase the correct one and get it installed because I recognize the importance of a working filter.
The same is true for many types of filters (furnace, water, fuel, COFFEE!). According to a leading filter manufacturer, “Filters can help eliminate common contaminants that can damage components, potentially leading to operational and safety issues. Filters can help you avoid premature wear and damage.” But have you checked your spiritual filters lately?
Spiritually, we need filters to protect us from the damaging contaminants of this world. Good news! God has given us some essential filters for our lives. The essential task is to identify these filters and then utilize them in the ways God intended.
God-Given Filters:
• Jesus Filter - 1 John 3:5
The biggest need we have is the forgiveness of our sin. God knew we could not fix our sin problem on our own. God sent us His Son Jesus to be the propitiation and permanent solution for our sin problem.
• Bible Filter - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
God’s Word reveals everything we need to know about Him and His plan for an abundant life. The Bible is His love letter and our guidebook.
• Holy Spirit Filter - Romans 8:5-11
God sent His Holy Spirit to live in us. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor, Advocate, Guide, Power, Illuminator, and He Convicts us of sin. We need the Holy Spirit to enable us to live the Christian life.
I pray you are living with the proper spiritual filters in place doing the job God intended for your best performance.
Side note, If anyone drives a Honda CRV with a rectangle air filter, I have a free one for you.
God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)